About Me

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Born a Scorpio. Raised an only child. Now, a working-student-single-mother of 4 boys.

I have started this blog to document the happenings in my life, with the hopes of some day writing a book when I'm older. Watch for it in the Comedy and/or True Crimes section of your local book store.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


After counting down the many, many, almost too many days of summer, I was finally able to watch those 4 growing young men whom have eaten me out of house and home, walk down the street to their elementary school. 

Growing up, I never liked school lunches. The lukewarm, raw rectangular dough, covered in ketchup and flecks of white cheese, served as "pizza" were never palatable to me. Nor were the sugar cookies "flavored" with peach juice that had spilled over it's compartment, during my walk from lunch line, to lunch table. But, let me tell you: NOW?! I think school lunches are the best thing since sliced bread! As long as that bread doesnt come out of my cabinet and require me to furnish condiments, lunch meat, chips, fruit, jello, nor yogurt!

Yep. Monday was a great, eventful day for everyone in our family. Chris started 1st grade, with what is now half of a tooth prodtruding from his front gums; after spending the last 3 years of his life toothless, thanks to Cyle and the influence of a lil show called Power Rangers. Cyle started 3rd grade, with a new rebuttal for comments about his excessively hairy arms. "Oh ya? Well I can shave the hair off my arms. You cant shave the ugly off your face!" (Note: I will not admit nor deny having any part of that statement.) Caden started 4th grade, with that glazed over twinkle in his eye; letting me know that I will become very familiar with his new teacher's voice, face, handwriting, and email address. And finally, Corey started 5th grade... his final year of elementary school. Excuse me while I sob uncontrollably into the collar of my t-shirt.

The boys werent the only ones that made academic debuts earlier this week. Monday August 23, 2010 I took one small step for man, one giant leap for single mothers: I walked into my first official college lecture! Woo hoo! Exciting stuff, right?! I thought so too... until I glanced over the packet of papers issued to everyone in my Algebra class, called a syllabus. I thought I was making moves when I applied for financial aid on time. And, when I got my little plastic college ID, with official parking pass. But when I glanced over that syllabus, this became REAL. By "real", I mean intimidating as shit! And, this was even before I knew there were 3 other syllabuses for my online courses, that awaited my review.

Despite the shock to my system, I survived my 2+ hour math class, and hurried home to feed, bathe, and check homework for my 4 sons. Once bedtime rolled around, I was able to log onto the distance education site, where I started plugging away at my online classes. I really did surprise myself with how much I accomplished. All the while I had ONE song stuck in my head. I think it shall become my anthem for the next 2 years and 9 months.

Now if you will excuse me, I must rock out to my anthem, while I hunt for a free download of PowerPoint Viewer for Mac.

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