About Me

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Born a Scorpio. Raised an only child. Now, a working-student-single-mother of 4 boys.

I have started this blog to document the happenings in my life, with the hopes of some day writing a book when I'm older. Watch for it in the Comedy and/or True Crimes section of your local book store.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Daisy Jones?!

I am currently enrolled in my first semester of community college, where I am taking English Composition, Online Learning Tech, Algebra, and Intro to Microcomputers. I also have been working at the same place for 2 years. 

Why did I group those random facts? Well. I will tell you... 

Sunday evening I found myself feeling the wrath of my procrastination. I was crunching probably 4 hours of homework and quizzes into 2 hours. Not a problem, as I am a whiz. Or so I thought...

One of the homework assignments was to post the results of 5 Microsoft Office searches on the online class discussion board, then elaborate how we could use the results in our everyday lives. If you are not familiar with Microsoft Office; its basically an online service that has templates, clip art, all sorts of interesting lil things. The assignment was truly very simple. I just had to search "5 things that interest me". How could I go wrong doing THAT? Below is my exact entry to the discussion board. Pay close attention to numbers 1 & 3...

I, personally, was more interested in the templates than the clip art. I found these searches to be fruitful...

1. "Inspirational Quotes"- This search produced a handful of templates, and 4 motivational "cards" that I plan on printing and hanging in my cubicle. I can always use motivation to exist in the place that inspired me to attend college, to land a better job.

2. "Chore Chart" - This search produced many templates. However the one I downloaded immediately was titled "Family & Kids Weekly Home Chore and Commission Charting list". I believe this one will motivate my sons to prevent me from tripping over football equipment and using the last clean towel. Money is such a great motivation.

3. "Resume" - This search produced many templates for eye-catching resumes. See #1 for urgency.

4. "Recipe cards" - This search produced the cutest templates for recipe cards! Each had it's own design or holiday theme. I can always use a better way to organize recipes given to me by family or stumbled upon on the internet.

5. "Emergency Contact" - This search produced many templates for Emergency Contact Lists, which I can utilize for my sons when they go to a friend's house or are home with a sitter.

Aside from feeling very domesticated, I was pleased with my findings and my post. 

Now, in order to receive full credit for discussion board assignments, you must reply to at least one co-student's initial post. Great. I have no problem agreeing to disagree, relating, or just generally talking to people. So, I proceed to the main screen and start browsing through names. 

"John Davis"
"Randy Moore"
"Mandy Long"
"Miles Nordstrom"
"Daisy Jones"
"Emily Thompson"
"Alexa..." WHAT?! DAISY JONES?! No way! This can NOT be! Jones is a common name. Maybe it's someone ELSE! 

I click on the post submitted by "Daisy Jones", and as I read the excessively excited verbiage, I realize it is none other than "Daisy Jones", my immediate supervisor at work. Suddenly I suffered from temporary illiteracy and all i could say was "F*CK"; as I frantically return to MY post to find the delete button. I remember my English teacher had stated that discussion board posts could be deleted as long as no one had commented. No comments, I was safe! 

Low and behold... NOTHING in my life is ever as simple as clicking a delete button!!! After searching every pixel on the 15" monitor of my laptop, it became apparent that each class has unique rules. Mr. Intro to Microcomputers does not have the same flexibility as Mrs. English Composition.

At that point all I could do was laugh. And of course, swear. Then, pop a couple Benadryl... and go to bed. I had to be at work the next morning... I think.

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